Finseg Offers Comprehensive Compliance and Risk Assessment Services

Company Information

Firm History

Financial Industry Service Group LLC (“Finseg”) was formed in 2000 to meet the needs of participants in the financial services industry during a time of unprecedented change in our capital markets. The principals of the firm have over 60 years of regulatory and industry experience in the areas of broker-dealer, investment adviser, and SRO regulation, financial services legislation, and general securities compliance matters. In addition to extensive experience on a wide range of issues, Finseg maintains strong relationships with regulators and leading industry professionals.


Finseg provides regulatory consulting services to a broad clientele, including:

  • global, diversified financial services firms (banking conglomerates and insurance companies)
  • broker-dealers (retail, institutional, independent contractors, regional and limited purpose firms)
  • law firms/outside counsel
  • asset managers (registered investment advisers, including hedge funds, and dually-registered broker-dealer/investment advisory firms)
  • investment companies, including mutual fund complexes
  • self-regulatory organizations


Over the years, Finseg’s engagements have covered many compliance topics as described briefly below.

  • Finseg has been retained by clients to conduct proactive reviews and recommend remedial actions when deficiencies have been identified internally or in connection with an examination or investigation. Reviews have focused on, for example, insider trading, conflicts of interest, surveillance practices, portfolio management, marketing and communications, model management, and initial public offering practices and incident management.
  • Finseg has also served as the independent consultant on numerous settlement-related regulatory reviews, prior to and post administrative actions, requiring an assessment of compliance policies, supervisory procedures and controls. The reviews have concentrated on information barriers, conflicts of interest and disclosure practices, mutual fund share class selection, blue sheet reporting, outside business activities and private securities transactions, best execution, document integrity, variable annuity sales practices, SRO regulatory programs, market timing and late trading, transfer agent activities, and the 2003 Global Research Settlement.
  • Finseg is well-known for our expertise in developing, revising and benchmarking firm policies, procedures and controls, including Compliance Department procedures and firm risk assessments. Finseg has been retained by both retail and institutional financial services firms for such consulting services.
  • Finseg also develops and provides training on a variety of compliance topics.
  • Finseg has long-standing expertise in anti-money laundering compliance: we have conducted independent audits, provided expert testimony, assessed AML policies, procedures and controls, and provided training on AML matters.
  • Finseg has extensive knowledge on securities industry regulatory matters and has provided expert testimony on AML, U4/U5 matters, supervisory responsibilities, and independent contractor status and regulatory requirements.

Finseg offers competitive rates, prompt turnaround, and flexible working relationships. Please contact Finseg to help you meet the challenges presented by these dynamic times.